الاثنين، أبريل 21، 2008

الحقد الصليبي الدفين

هؤلاء هم الصليبيون الجدد ..

when i posted at this forum[www.politicalforum.com] for the first time i thought they have respected mentality but i discovered the contrary among them , they hate us so much and hate ( Islam ) even they hope to get new crusades someone posted this /// I think it is time to stop treating this religion as a religion, and call it was it really is, a political cult. It makes no difference between government and religion when it comes to laws or governance. I don't see any reason why it can't be banned. Anyone who wants to follow this "religion" should be encouraged to do so, in any Muslim country of their choice. Let's deport the ones we have, because if you ask me, they are all a threat to national security. When was the last time you saw Muslim Americans protesting in throngs in the streets about 9/11? About any act of terror? When have you ever seen any marching in the streets in support of our troops? Never.So isn't it about time that we make a serious effort to effect a war not just on terrorism, but the root of terrorism, which is Islamanother one said // Yes - you are absolutely right. Islam is the root of all terrorism

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علاج مرض السكر بدون دواء

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